The opening ceremony of the Olympic Games provides a singular opportunity for the host country to display the best of its culture – that distinct blend of material, artistic and intellectual achievements. It is an occasion when because of modern electronic media, much of humankind is watching and sharing in the event.
Much of the spectacle in Paris was interesting and enjoyable. However, what was good was heavily outweighed by that which was far from good. We refer to the gratuitous parody of Leonardo Da Vinci’s The Last Supper.
The Last Supper or the Mystical Supper, as the Orthodox call it, is not only a profoundly significant event in the life of our Lord and his Apostles, but it is the prototypical model of the most sacred component of Christian worship, the Eucharistic Liturgy. We are appalled that this blasphemous tableau vivant was permitted a place in the opening ceremony.
The sacrilegious segment was discriminatory, shamelessly unkind and totally lacking in respect. There was certainly no concern or respect for the sensibilities of millions upon millions of Christians throughout the world.
It is sad that the very nation in which Leonardo da Vinci died and is buried has used one of his greatest artistic works to mock the faith in which Leonardo found so much creative motivation. The universal condemnation of this shameless and intentional misuse of art and faith has been swift and consistent.
The apologetic bleating of regret from some spokespersons are no more than hit-and-run. The intended damage has been done.
We grieve because as the whole world watched, the City of Lights became for a few moments a place of darkness. And hence in unison, we cry loudly: Enough is enough!
AMEC members:
Melkite Catholic Church | Most Reverend Robert Rabbat, DD |
Coptic Orthodox Church, NSW | Most Reverend Anba Daniel |
Maronite Catholic Church | Most Reverend Antoine Charbel Tarabay, DD |
Syrian Orthodox Church | Most Reverend Mor Malatius Malki Malki |
Chaldean Catholic Church | Most Reverend Amel Nona, DD |
Armenian Apostolic Church | Most Reverend Haigazoun Najarian |
Antiochian Orthodox Church | Most Reverend Basilios (Kodseie) |
Syriac Catholic Church | Most Reverend Georges Casmoussa |
Ancient Church of The East | Very Reverend Chorbishop Joseph Joseph |
Armenian Catholic Church | Very Reverend Msgr. Basil Sousanian |
Coptic Catholic Church | Rev. Fr. Andrawes Faraj |