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A communique: Syria and its surrounding region weep for peace.

9 December 2024

“Blessed are the peacemakers…” (Matthew 5:9)

It is with much concern that the Australasian-Middle East Christian Apostolic Churches (AMEC) consider the drastic change of events in Syria. Even a cursory appraisal of the present situation should be a cause for alarm.

News from the region indicates that the civilian population is facing an uncertain future, especially ethnic and religious minorities.

The several Catholic and Orthodox Churches forming AMEC, urgently appeal to the Australian Government, to take whatever positive steps are possible to help restore calm in the area. We also urge our fellow Australians regardless of their ethnic background or religious affiliation to be generous in answering any appeals for material assistance.

We encourage all people of faith to pray wholeheartedly for the long-suffering Syrian people and those in the surrounding region. We also call specifically on all the Christian faithful to storm the Heavens with their urgent prayers for peace in the whole world, and mainly for their brethren living in the Middle East region, who are in fear of an uncertain tomorrow.

May the approach of the Nativity of the Prince of Peace, Jesus Christ, usher in this long-awaited peace.



 Robert Rabbat, DD

President of AMEC

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